Zona Republicana. Campo de Refugiados

1939. 2´25 fr azul de Francia. BURDEOS a BARCELONA, remitida desde el hospital temporal de La Bruyere. A comienzos de la II Guerra Mundial se crearon hospitales temporales para poder atender a heridos y refugiados, entre los que se encontraban muchos españoles, estos eran asilos, conventos e incluso colegios como es el caso, en el frente marca LE VAGUEMESTRE / ESTERNAT / LA BRUYERE. MAGNIFICA Y RARA.

Traducciones automáticas

flag_en 1939. 2´25 blue fr from France. BORDEAUX to BARCELONA, referred from the temporary hospital of La Bruyere. At the beginning of World War II, temporary hospitals were created to care for the wounded and refugees, among whom were many Spaniards, these were asylums, convents and even schools, as is the case, on the front marked LE VAGUEMESTRE / ESTERNAT / LA BRUYERE. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.

Precio 75€