362 | Spain

1875. (13 de Junio). ZORNOZA a DURANGO, dirigida al Administrador de la Central de Correos indicándole "Remito con el conductor Antonio Aurlenche, treinta y siete reales y 75 cents, el importe de ciento veinte ejemplares del Cuartel Real". Marca ZORNOZA / CORREOS / VIZCAYA, en azul. MAGNIFICA Y RARA.

Automatically generated translation

flag_en 1875. (June 13). ZORNOZA to DURANGO, addressed to the Administrator of the Central Post Office indicating "I am sending, with the driver Antonio Aurlenche, thirty-seven reales and 75 cents, the amount of one hundred and twenty copies of the Real Barracks". Mark ZORNOZA / CORREOS / VIZCAYA, in blue. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.

Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #97

Thursday, 28 July 2022 | 16:00

Lot 362

Starting price 90€