663 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1951ca). Interesantísimo conjunto de series completas de diversos países en nuevo, la mayoría sin fijasellos y comprendidos entre 1951 y 1964, la mayoría de países Ex-Colonias Francesas y Británicas y con buena calidad en general (se adjunta relación). A EXAMINAR. Yvert 2014: +6.000 Euros

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flag_en ★★/★(1951ca). Very interesting set of complete series from various countries in new condition, most of them without affixed stamps and between 1951 and 1964, most of them from former French and British Colonies and with generally good quality (relation is attached). TO EXAMINE. Yvert 2014: +6,000 Euros

Lots and Collections Online Auction #100

Wednesday, 21 December 2022 | 16:00

Lot 663

Starting price 475€